Hair Loss Treatments

Is the Crown your head thinning & losing hair volume
And from Dadima’s nushke to treatments guaranteed by your friends and Google Baba’s advice, you’ve tried everything it seems that nothing can stop the hairline from receding. “Is there a way out?” your hands reach out to scratch your hairs but you can’t even do that for the fear that you will lose some more. But don’t worry. We ensure you that we will find a solution for your hair problems.
What leads to hair fall and thinning?
First of all hair concerns are much common than you think. Therefore, it is best to intervene and manage the situation before it reaches a severe degree. But first it is important to know that the loss of approximately 50-100 strands of hair everyday is a natural process. These are replaced by new ones and form a part of natural hair growth cycle, which consists of three distinct phases of growth- anagen, catagen and telogen. These stages occur simultaneously and it is the characteristic of each phase that determines the length of the hair. Therefore, to get the best results for hair restoration it is important to first understand, assess and investigate the reason for it. This we do through FDA approved treatments along with topical applications for hair regeneration. Our Hair clinic also provides permanent solutions for excessive hair growth on face and body for both men and women.
Common Causes of Hair Loss
Androgenetic Alopecia
This is the most common type of hair fall and thinning. Hormonal and genetic factors play a role in this kind of hair loss.
Telogen Effluvium & Overtreatment
Crash dieting, nutritional deficiency, stress, prolonged illness etc. can trigger hair fall. This is known as Telogen Effluvium.
Dandruff, if not treated at the right time, can cause hair loss and scalp inflammation. If your skin is suffering from acne or oily skin, the condition can worsen because of the flakes
Undernourished and Lifeless Hair
Hair loss and Undernourished hair are often an index of an unseen, severe mental or physical health concern
Treatment of hair loss begins with an in-depth consultation to understand the causative factors of hair loss.
Starts with customized treatments to treat your individual hair concern like hai loss, hair thinning, dry hair, frizzy hair, dull hair, dandruff, etc.
Support & Maintenance
Commences with in-clinic services along with the doctor’s plan of action along with relevant investigations, if required. Topical and oral medications, nutritional supplements and lifestyle management are also advised to prevent hair loss.

Have a Question?
We’re here to help! If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out. Our team is ready to assist you with any concerns.