Vitiligo Treatment in Noida

Vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder, is characterized by formation of white patches on various body parts, such as the face, hands, arms, feet, and genital area. Although vitiligo is not contagious or life-threatening, its visible symptoms can have significant psychological and social implications for affected individuals.
What are the Stages of Vitiligo?
- Localized
- Generalized
- universal
Causes of Vitiligo can be Autoimmune response, Genetic Factor and Environmental triggers like sunburn, stress, or exposure to industrial chemicals, might trigger vitiligo in susceptible individuals.
Management of Vitiligo-
Prevention and treatment strategies for vitiligo focus on managing the condition, minimizing progression.
Sun Protection, avoiding trauma to the skin and managing stress.
Our Vitiligo treatments at Arcane Clinic are holistically selected by knowledgeable skin specialists, individualized history taking, clinical examination and outstanding outcomes.
In Broad category according to the severity treatment include: Topical treatments, Light- based therapies like narrowband phototherapy are utilized to induce pigmentation and laser treatments for more localized patches. Depigmentation therapy is mostly reserved for individuals with extensive vitiligo, involving more than half of their body., oral medication and Dermatologist may consider Surgical interventions for longstanding or segmental vitiligo cases resistant to other treatments.

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